
Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Are you aware that it is entirely possible to promote your opportunity absolutely free of charge?  Read on for more insights into the effective style that Butch Hamilton, noted seo specialist, uses every day to drive websites to top key positions.  Promoting effectively is not a matter of spending money.  Its all in learning how to do it in the most efficient manner.
The word free appeals to people.  After all, we are all looking for something for nothing.  Often times we see items that say free, but then we are inundated with back end type merchandise for just signing up for that free program.  In viewing Google, the foremost leader in the information age, we see a hodge podge of different free eBooks, free software programs, free online tools and free information.  Ah, the keyword here is free information.  The whole concept that Google bases its top positions on is really free information.  In my line of work, which is search engine optimization, I find an incredible amount of free ways that I can promote any business online that I choose.  As a matter of fact, I use many more free services than I pay for.  I learned a long time ago on the internet, that the best ways to promote any goods and services is really free.  The act of using free systems to promote freely on Google is the best way to achieve notoriety and presence.
Take the most powerful search engine on the planet, Google.  Google is totally free for anyone on the planet to use to their advantage.  This leads me to the point of asking myself this question.  If the entire internet is really free for the asking, then why would anyone actually pay money for other forms of information.  I can get free ezines, free newspapers, free news, free television, free music, free software and the free list goes on and on.  Why, in fact, would an online marketer choose to pay for anything at all.  I know from a professional viewpoint, that marketing online can be done absolutely free.  I do it every day.   I use free blogs from  I use free forums.  I use free website builders.  I use free classified ad services.  You have probably heard of the people that try to sell you advanced software that can automatically get you search engine rankings on Google.  That is a complete and total lie.  There is NO software, eBook, downloadable tools or any other type of paid submission service that can get you search engine rankings on Google.  You can do it more effectively by using the free tools that we all have access too.  Does it lead you to believe that people are just naturally drawn to spending their money, even if they do not have to?
Take Google webmaster tools.  We have a terrific blogging system called Blogger.  I use Blogger every day in my online presentations.  I get excellent search engine rankings by placing keyword specific articles in all my blogs.  This is a free service.  I charge people for that knowledge and the time it requires me to reach a certain keyword position on Google, but the entire process that I use is absolutely free.  Can anyone say great ROI here?  Free services on Google are much more effective than any paid service can possibly be.  If you wish to gain notoriety on the search engine of Google, you must abide by their rules.  This is a given thing.  Some people choose to try to take shortcuts to their internet success, but they always fail.  Some people insist on taking advantage of what looks like a shorted path to success online, but the search engine spiders will eventually pick up on that and will smite them severely.  Why would people try to take the short path when it only leads to disaster?  The prisons are full of such people.  I guess that it would simply be called human nature.
You see, there is no way that paid services can ever compete with the excellent free services Google offers anyone.  I find it an incredible thing to watch my urls come to the top of a rich keyword category just by following simple and tested procedures.  Can anyone say free search engine optimization services here?  Certainly, I need to be paid for my services.  I spend time and effort in writing keyword specific articles, blog posts, forum post and writing great content for my webpages.  I even use free webpages to build websites with.  They are ever bit as effective as the paid services are offering.  I like to view Google as a huge shopping mall where everyone is clamoring and speaking of their latest and greatest lucrative businesses.  I suppose that Hafid in "The Greatest Salesman in the World," probably felt the same way.  Its a fact that everyone is attempting to run their online businesses in exactly the same way.  I call this the advertising mentality.  Unless marketers move away from that type of mindset, they are destined to have the same results as everyone else has.  Stay tuned for more articles concerning free and the validity of marketing for free on Google.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist