How Do I Promote My Website?
Promoting a website is a complex process that requires persistence, diligence, a supreme writing ability and the correct mindset to tap into the ebb and flow of Google. You must perceive the success you desire first, and then set about the consistent effort daily to achieve the desired search engine position. Most people do not have a clue about the necessary strategies they need to obtain these positions. Perhaps you have an online business. You may be wondering how in the world can I get people to view my site with the trillions upon trillions of pieces of information floating about daily on Google? The fact is, once you become attuned to what is required, then a conscious and consistent effort will lead to success. I say this with the tongue in cheek attitude. You will have success if your website is promotable on the search engines. This is precisely what you will pay me for. I know what it takes to build a search engine friendly site. I know what it takes to gat top positions on the search engines. It is my job to utilize my skill to the utmost ability for you and your sites.
How Do I Build a Search Engine Friendly Website?
When I am constructing a website, I must be concerned with three very important elements. I must know that Google is concerned with three things. The title, the keywords and the ad content are the main components of any successful website. Most people are tuned into what they think they need to have a great website. They think it must be flashy with all sorts of graphic images, elaborate layouts and must draw people's attention to click thru the site. The fact is, a website is your information roadmap. You see, people are looking for something when surfing. They are looking for information. The are looking for solutions to a problem. The are looking for a way to make money. The may be looking for ways to promote their website. Any topic that you can imagine, and some that you cannot even believe, are what people search for on Google. If you do a great job in answering their questions, you may have a shot at making a sale.
Building a search engine compatible website is my job. I must consider what keyword category I wish to place your site at the top on Google. I must title it correctly and construct just the right meta and keyword rich content to make it effective on the most powerful search engine on the planet. You must understand something here. Google is about one thing and one thing only. They are all about good information. When you place that good original keyword rich before the search engine spiders, they will reward you for your efforts. If you do not, your site will never be seen by anyone. It really is that simple and that complicated as well.
How Long Does It Take to Get A Top Position on Google?
In answering this question effectively, you need to know the facts about promoting a website effectively. You must never think that it will be an instantaneous success story. Google has its own time and place for placing website information before the surfers of the internet. You really cannot place a time frame on that success. You must simply be patient, diligent and have the dogged determination to achieve the desired position on a keyword phrase. Most people think that just getting some self-replicated site from an mlm company is the answer. They really do believe that having the site that they are all set to make big money online. Let's set the record straight right here. I have NEVER seen a self replicated site that was promotable on the internet. Let me repeat this statement once again. I have NEVER seen a website that was either given to you, or that you paid money for that will ever be seen on Google. The reason is that all of these sites are not search engine friendly. Most people do not realize the system. That is what you will be paying me for. You will be paying me for my knowledge, which is extensive, concerning the correct way to place information on Google effectively.
I highly recommend that an effective seo campaign should run for a minimum of 6 month. It will take that long before I have built the necessary links for your site to be up and running smoothly and effectively. I know. You are going to say, "but I need to make money now." I hear this all the time. I will tell you that you really should stick with your day job if you have that much of a financial strain. The bottom line is there are NO quick fixes on the internet. There is NO automated software program that will get you instant success. There is NO seo group that can speed this process up for you. There is NO black hat technique that you can use to get a top rating on Google. There are NO shortcuts to success online. If you have bought into this, you will be sadly frustrated at the results that you will have. I say this from personal experience. I have fallen for the hype, lies and scams online. There are many seo companies online that will gladly take your money for absolutely nothing in return.
How Do I Get Traffic To My Website?
Getting traffic to a website is only about one thing and one thing only. Maybe you have read the advertisements about getting one million visitors to your website for only $197? Its a lie. Guys, there is no such thing as the type of system that can achieve those ridiculous results for you. There are NO programs that are legitimate that will get you traffic other than true search engine positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines. There is only one way to accomplish this, and this is what I do. I will get you needed traffic the right way. I simply build links that lead to your website. Once the site begins to gain recognition and notoriety on the search engines, you will begin to received needed traffic. One final note of caution for you here. Never fall for the line that says highly motivated traffic to your site. There really is no such thing as people eagerly just waiting to join your program. Highly motivated traffic is a scam when you see this on websites making ridiculous claims like this. The only real way to accomplish traffic needs is to gain a high search engine position on a highly searched keyword term.
What Results Can I Expect?
The results you can expect from are a page one rank on Google for your website. I will never make a guarantee as to a number one page one position. It may happen, but I would never guarantee something like that. I never will guarantee that you will make sales because of my seo. Sales are your concern, not mine. If you have a great product or service that you believe in, you may make sales, but that is not my primary concern as an seo specialist. I am only here to place your website in a high traffic area and the rest is up to you as to how you will sell your program. You will find that you may think that you have the latest and greatest money maker, or the latest and greatest widget, but will other people think this as well? Who knows the answer to that one? I certainly would never make a guarantee like that to you as being my seo client. I will guarantee the position only. The rest is up to fate.
How Much Does Search Engine Optimization Services Cost?
The fees for my highly regarded seo company are based solely on the amount of time and effort I will have to expend to reach the desired position. Like I said before, the road will be a minimum of six months to the top of Google. I may achieve that much quicker, but I advise my clients to be prepared to spend at least six months in this process. There is no minimum amount of time here as the process of link building takes time and effort to pursue. I will need to conduct extensive keyword research to determine exactly what high traffic keyword category to place your website on.
I consider search engine optimization an art form and I am the artists that can effectively create your online personae for you. This will be an incredible experience for you and your online business to watch and grow. We will start with nothing and with the consistent effort, the patience and true diligence the creation will begin to take form. I use only Google Webmaster approved techniques to achieve these cherished top spots. No unethical, immoral or adult sites will ever be promoted by my highly esteemed seo services. I look forward to serving the needs of my seo clients. I am fully prepared with testimonials, phone numbers and people who I have worked for in the past that you are more than welcome to contact. My seo ability is far ranging. As a matter of fact, I am one of the top rated seo specialist on the internet today. I take great pride in my work. I look forward to working with you soon in your online business.
Be sure to click on my seo site map above to be taken to the relevant information you need to make your decision.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist Be sure to Google Butch Hamilton to find out more information about me!