
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How to Get Leads

How to Get Leads

By Butch Hamilton


How do I get sales leads is a commonly asked question that online marketers have. Getting top quality leads to promote an online business can be done in a myriad of ways. The obvious approach would be to just buy leads. Buying leads is a gamble, but online marketing is fondly thought of to be a gamble anyway. Buying leads is something that most online entrepreneurs should try at least once to determine how effective those so-called fresh double opted in leads are. Most lead brokerage firms make claims of huge percentages of sales conversions by buying their fresh leads, but in all actuality, leads are produced in one way. People surfing Google find an attractive lead capture page.

They may not even be aware of what they are filling out, or why, but soon, they will be inundated by hungry marketers calling them, emailing them and contacting them hundreds and maybe even thousands of times.This reminds me of the time that my wife was shopping with and online store. At the end of the transaction, the store claimed that by filling out this request form, she would be receiving a complimentary voucher with 10% off the next sale. She unknowingly filled out the form. The next morning when logging into here computer, she found that she literally had hundreds and hundreds of emails. All of them were wanting to sell her merchandise. She had used her primary business email and to this day, she has yet to get those emails blocked. You see, the internet is full of unscrupulous ways of getting people's private information.

Leads brokers use these techniques all the time to get sales leads so that they can make a profit by reselling your private information. Of course, you opted in, but you may not have a clue what you opted in for. I find the buying of leads to be, for the most part, ineffectual. I tend to think that you need to consider just buying customers at so much per customer. That would be a much better return on your investment than buying these so-called highly motivated buyers of your product.People are not hungry for anyone's product. I see this statement made all the time in marketing. People making exaggerated claims about them having the best widget at the best price is the core of classified advertising. I contend that classified ads do not work online.

People are simply not going to buy something or join something from a classified ad that has come to them in some fashion online. This is precisely why most online marketers are failing. They completely miss the boat in that they approach online marketing exactly as everyone else is doing. You then have a market that is totally saturated by over advertising.Email blasting is another way that people pursue an online advertising campaign to get sales leads. How ineffectual can that be? When was the last time that you bought penis pills, exclusive watches, leads or the million and one things people advertise with email campaigns?

For myself, I would not consider buying something from someone who uses these tactics. I find them totally invasive of my computer space. Speaking of that, it is a mystery that most email servers allow this kind of action, but often your personal or business emails will be blocked. It is just another mystery of this great sea of information called the internet. It makes me wonder if some big money is buying their way in here.The most effective way for you to get sales leads is to build your own lead capture pages. You would then consistently post information on the search engines and would have people opting in to your offer. Perhaps you will offer them something of value for giving you their personal information. The whole key to this system is called search engine optimization. You must learn this art before anyone at all will see your webpages.

This is where about 99.9% of people will fail. They have not a clue as to how to obtain a top position on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines. There will be a learning curve here. You must do diligent searching to find an organization that is credible in this training. There are companies that do exist. You have to search for them, and then you have to set about the path of learning this system. It will not be easy or quick. There are no quick fixes on the internet in regards to building a significant online business of any kind. Flying past the hype and exaggerated claims, you may just find the diamond amongst the mass of coal here. When you do find this system, will be in for the ride of your life online.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk-Head Master Distributor for Vereconference-Marketing Director for Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

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