
Sunday, September 2, 2007

How to Use RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds
What is an RSS Feed? 

A feed, also known as RSS feed, XML feed, syndicated content, or web feed, is frequently updated content published by a website. It is usually used for news and blog websites, but can also be used for distributing other types of digital content, including pictures, audio or video. Feeds can also be used to deliver audio content (usually in MP3 format) which you can listen to on your computer or MP3 player. This is referred to as podcasting.

How do I know if a website offers RSS Feeds?

When you first view a website, Internet Explorer will search for feeds. If feeds are available, the Feeds button Picture of the Feeds button will change color and a sound will play.

How do I view an RSS Feed?

When you visit a webpage, the Feeds button Picture of the Feeds button will change color, letting you know that feeds are available. Click the Feeds button, and then click the feed you want to see. To get content automatically, you should subscribe to a feed. Click Related Topics to learn how to subscribe to a web feed.

How does an RSS feed differ from a website?

A feed can have the same content as a webpage, but it's often formatted differently. When you subscribe, Internet Explorer automatically checks the website and downloads new content so you can see what is new since you last visited the feed.

How can I automatically received updated content?

You can receive content automatically by subscribing to a web feed. When you subscribe to a web feed, you set the interval at which Internet Explorer will check the website for updates. Once you've set an interval, Internet Explorer will automatically download the most up-to-date web feed list. Click Related Topics to learn how to subscribe to a web feed.

What does RSS Really Mean?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and is used to describe the technology used in creating feeds.

What types of foremat do RSS Feeds Come In?
The most common formats are RSS and Atom. Feed formats are constantly being updated with new versions. Internet Explorer supports RSS 0.91, 1.0, and 2.0, and ATOM .3, 1.0. All web feed formats are based on XML (Extensible Markup Language), a text-based computer language used to describe and distribute structured data and documents.
Needless to say, RSS Feeds can drastically improve your search engine rankings, provided that feed provides relevant content pertaining to your site.  My RSS Feed is dedicated to providing tips and techniques in building strong home businesses.  You are more than welcome to add my RSS Feed to your site for changing content.  And believe you me, my content is constantly changing!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist
Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton


Posted By Butch Hamilton to Web Conferencing|Web Video Conferencing|Web Conferencing Solution|Web Conferencing Service at 9/02/2007 11:26:00 AM