
Friday, September 7, 2007

TrafficWave-Automatic Responders


As you probably know, I have written a lot of articles concerning different online tools that I use to my distinct advantage.  I use the program known as TrafficWave for a host of different tasks that both automate my marketing, but even more importantly, assist me in the process of giving people relevant information on a numerous amount of topics like Jaguar Marketing, Leadsomatic, Web Conferencing and even my Search Engine Optimization Business.  TrafficWave is owned and operated by Brian Rooney.  I have spoken with Brian on several occasions and I find him to be an excellent marketer and a stand up guy in terms of running a top autoresponder service for people like me.  Automatic responders are very substantial ways to ensure that people are receiving your great article content.  When you begin to move away from your advertising mentality, you learn that information is what people are searching for.  This is precisely the way that I use TrafficWave.
The goal of TrafficWave is NOT advertising, at least the way that I use it.  You see, I do not believe in online advertising per sae as the way to promote goods and services online.  I believe that providing people with necessary information that will assist them in their online business is much more effective and profitable than simply trying to sell them something.  TrafficWave gives me this flexibility and ease that I am looking for to make my system work for me 24/7.  Below, I am going to give some examples on TrafficWave and how I use it to accomplish what I need to accomplish in marketing and assisting others in their online pursuits.
First, let's look at my Jaguar Marketing TrafficWave autoresponder.  There are two options that I can use for people to opt into my Jag Marketing responder series.  One way is that you could simply send me an email to:  When you send an email to this address, you will begin to receive my autoresponder letters about Jag Marketing about every 2 days or so.  TrafficWave let's you decide how many letters you wish to mail out, the span between the letters and of course you may use html in these presentations.  Its a great way to let people know who you are, what you do and quite possibly, if they like what you write, you may just pickup a customer.
Let's take a peek at the autoresponder series I have setup for my LinkScout Program.  Send an email here:  and I tell people exactly how to setup their Linkscout program.  Now, you know how sold I am on Linkscout.  This is my way of letting people who have joined me exactly how to setup their system for maximum effectiveness.  Do you begin to understand what I have here with TrafficWave?  Its not about selling people something.  Its about assisting people that makes all the difference in the world.  Its THE difference between your success and your failure on Google.
The next example is concerning Leadsomatic.  I use this system to tell people information on the best way to produce leads, generate leads and getting involved with Veretekk.  By far, Veretekk is the best system to get involved in if you are marketing goods and services online.  You would send an email to me here:  You are beginning to get the point here, right?  TrafficWave let's me choose the topic, write the autoressponder letters, as many as I want, anytime I want and post them at intervals when I choose for them to go out.  Incredibly simple but highly efficient online marketing if you ask me.
Another advantage of TrafficWave is this.  I have my own FFA Page.  Ok, you maybe saying big deal, so you have an FFA page.  They don't work, right?  Well, you would be absolutely wrong in your assumption there.  My FFA page gets anywhere from 200-500 signups per day.    People submit their links and guess what?  I have the ability to automatically mail out to each individual my information on any topic I wish for them to receive.  Imagine the power of having 200-500 people looking at your valuable info every single day, automatically, with no effort on your part!  This is automated marketing at its finest. 
Ok, here is the drill.  Try TrafficWave for 30 days to see if you like it.  If you do, its only $17.95 per month to keep this wonderful online marketing tool forever.  By the way, you can make money with this on the affiliate side.  I don't care about affiliate programs, I just use it to build my highly lucrative online businesses.
CLICK HERE to try TrafficWave, you are going to be glad that you did!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist
Need more info about TrafficWave?  Send me an email here:  Remember, you must confirm each autoresponder before you will receive the messages!

Posted By Butch Hamilton to Butch Hamiltons Search Engine Optimization Service at 8/04/2007 07:25:00 AM