
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Direct Selling

Direct Selling

Direct selling is a retail channel for the distribution of goods and services. At a basic level it may be defined as marketing and selling products, person-to-person away from a fixed retail location. Sales are typically made through party plan and other personal contact arrangements. A text book definition is: "The direct personal presentation, demonstration, and sale of products and services to consumers, usually in their homes or at their jobs."

The industry is global and growing. Recent figures show almost fifty-five million people are involved and in 2007 it is estimated that worldwide retail sales accounted for more than US$111 Billion. At its best, direct selling can be an opportunity for individuals to find fulfillment, express their entrepreneurial talents and gain financial independence. At its worst, it can become a kind of pyramid scheme.

Some direct selling associations, for example the Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland, the direct selling association of Germany, have given themselves codes of conduct which lead to a fair partnership both with customers and salesmen. Most of the national direct selling associations are represented in the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA).

Direct Selling is distinct from Direct Marketing because it is about individual sales agents reaching and dealing directly with clients. Direct Marketing is about business organisations seeking a relationship with their customers without going through an agent/consultant or retail oulet.

You can approach in a multitude of ways. Direct selling of energy bands and hologram discs is an excellent way to gain extra cash.

Advita Energy For Life
1905 NewPort Gap Pike
Wilmington, DE 19808