
Friday, May 28, 2010

Old School Network Marketing

Old School Network Marketing

What is old school Network Marketing A.K.A known as traditional Network Marketing? See if this sounds familiar, make a list of everyone you know, don`t pre-judge any of them. Now call them up and tell hem you just started your own business and invite them to your home for an opportunity meeting.

If you have been in the networking marketing business for a while and now belong to the NFL( No Friends Left ) Club because you were doing everything that your up line was teaching you to do you are not alone.

So what do you do next? Go out and meet some new people and make a friend, or you can take out a classified ad or you can make up fliers and hang them up all around town or you can buy some leads and then start to cold call them. Are you having any fun yet? Your up line did tell you this is going to be Fun right.

If you are just getting started how does this sound to you? Are you all fired up and ready for the ton of rejection waiting for you in the days to come?

I know I have been down this road and I hated going out and pestering people, and buying leads by the way most of these leads have been sold to others over and over again and they call them fresh leads.

Guess what you don`t have to do any of this at all if you are new to Network Marketing or if you have been around for a while you can stop all this nonsense right now and step into the 21st. Century of Internet Network Marketing.

Question ... How would you like to learn the strategies to have your prospects Begging You for more information. Did you hear what I said, your prospects begging you NOT You Begging them to join your business.

Get started now come on in and learn from the industries Top Earners I Want Prospects Begging Me

Jack Shea
Your Business Mentor