
Friday, August 20, 2010

Senior Citizen Internet Marketing

How To Quit Your Way To Success
Many times people in Network Marketing join a company with the idea of making quick dollars fast. This concept is one that plagues over 90% of the people who join MLM/ Network Marketing. As a result of this mindset these people end up fueling the coffers of many Network Marketing companies instead of reversing the momentum and making money for themselves.

By joining a network marketing company and building a downline instead of a team, you are not building an asset but a liability. Liabilities make the network marketing companies rich and not the team builder.

Look at it this way, you build a downline of a few people and you decide that you are not making headway fast enough then someone else comes along and tells you that there is more money in joining their company faster so you leave your existing company and then go to the new one. When you persuade the members of your downline to leave and go to another company now the new company gets the initial sign-up money that is paid out.

So now the old company got your initiation cost that was paid and the new company gets new money for their initiation cost, so now two companies have made money on the same person. And this process goes on and on. Every time you join a new company in the Network Marketing Industry the forward motion of the old company is stopped, and you are having to start the forward motion all over again to gain momentum.

What is needed is to reverse this action and make the money for yourself. By reversing this action and staying put in your existing company you will be practicing "Reverse Momentum".

What is meant by "Reversing Momentum"?

Building a Team in a Network Marketing Company requires that you begin to build, and as you build you begin to start the compounding process of attracting new people on to your team. As you build your team the team members begin to reach out to others and start to attract others that you don't know, nor will ever know.

This is the positive momentum that you want to reach in networking which begins to build you're team over time. As the momentum increases your income increases along with the specific team members that are excited about growing their business. Everything becomes contagious.

By taking the money that you would spend to hop from one company to another and put it into your current company growth you will increase your momentum and your team will build faster. You are putting your money into your business when you invest into the same company, and build your team instead, of always putting your money into a new company. Every time you do this you halt momentum and have to start over again.

Look at it this way, if you were building a snowball you have to roll it and pack it, then roll it and pack it, until it is solid enough to keep rolling and rolling till it becomes a huge snowball. If you stop and leave that snowball alone and go do it again you never get out of the rolling and packing stage. The one you left gets smaller or does nothing and as the weather get warmer it melts then when the weather gets cold again the snowball is smaller. The bigger the snowball is the easier it will stay in tact through the warm spells and then as you keep rolling you get bigger and bigger with many more people on the team rolling the snowball.

The secret is to use the power of compounding and let it work for you instead of working for the network marketing company. It's impossible to "Quit Your Way To Success" but for some strange reason people think that they can. Quitters never win! It's a proven fact but ignored by many. 

The secret is to find a good company and a good team to join, then interview them and see if you are all of like mind and can work together. Treat your network marketing business as a business and not a sideline. Get a good mentor that knows what they are doing and quiz them about their successes. Leave no stone unturned.

If you are interested in learning how to look at the network marketing business "The Right Way" come to and fill out the contact us form and we will assist you.

Thanks for reading,
Yours In Mastery,
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Coach