
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Work From Home Envy...

Are You Envious Of People Who Work From Home?

Being able to work from home is a gift. It is given to the individuals who have the perseverance to struggle through the trials and tribulations of getting their home business started. Yes the people who have been given the gift of working from home know that nothing comes easy. They know that they have to spend time getting their business up and running, along with working with a fabulous company. 

Being ENVIOUS is normal but anyone can build a home business with the right MENTORING! Yes Mentoring is essential in building a successful home business. I don't know anyone who would say they didn't want to work from home, do you? Most people want to be financially free but don't know how to do it. You can not learn how to do this from just anyone. You see, the Network Marketing Home Business model has been around since the mid 1940's and has grown to a 200 Billion Dollar industry globally. It will grow to over 1 Trillion dollars in the next five years or sooner if the economies around the world stay in a state of flux. 

When you look at this industry through the 80/20 Rule you can see that 80% of the revenue is made by 20% of the people. You can also see that 80% of the people are only making 20% of the revenue. Do you want to learn from the 20% or the 80%? You are probably saying, "The 20% of course, who wouldn't?" Well you would be surprised, to learn that most learn from the 80% and don't understand why they are failing. 

Instead of being envious of the people that work from home, find a 20% to teach you. Now this is tricky because the 80% people think they are in the 20%. They think they know how to build a home business. They think they are knowledgeable about the industry but have a track record of jumping from one company to another. Don't listen to them! Learn from people who know...

Now I am going to cut to the chase here, simply because I am tired of writing this article. You want to learn from the 20% go to and fill out the contact form. We will contact you and go from there. We have a program that will determine whether you are someone we are looking for or not. It's as simple as that!

Thanks for reading,
Yours In Mastery,
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Coach