Live Links
In search engine optimization, we talk a great deal about linking. When you consider that links, ad content and keywords are all that the spiders use to choose the top positions on particular keyword categories, then you begin to realize the importance of linking your sites to other sites. I am not a big believer in reciprocal linking with other sites, unless they are relevant sites. I am; however, very interested in linking all of my websites to all of my other sites. I use a few highly rated linking tools to increase my notoriety and presence on Google. Linkscout is one of the tools that I have been using consistently for years. This is an extremely effective way to link all your presentations together.
Anytime that I produce a new website, post to my blogs or add information to my high traffic forum, I always use My Links in a hyperlink form. I am consistently adding press release link, blog post links, website links and any other live links that I place on the internet. From this, I receive some extremely high search engine rankings just by using this incurable linking tool. Linkscout is free to join, but I do suggest upgrading to the $79 per year system. You will get incredible value at a very low price.
Veretekk has now place before you new seo portals. These new portals are linking tools as well. You simply add your links, all your links and you will gain backlinks that will lead to your website that you are promoting. Without a doubt, this is incredibly powerful, though very simple and cost you absolutely nothing. You need to become very aware in building a great home business, that you need to move away from your advertising mentality. When I use my Linkscout or my seo portals, I simply use keywords and the url. This is what Google wants and I give it.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist