SEO Expert
In becoming an seo expert, it has been my experience online, that most people are in the dark in regards to obtaining top positions on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the others. Perhaps you share that experience as well. You have joined an mlm company, a health product company or a service organizatioin of some type. You have been given a self replicating website and now you are ready to let the money roll in, right? WRONG! In my professional opinion, I have yet to find a self replicated website of any type that is search engine friendly. I will expound on this issue in great detail to enlighten, inform and educate you in the process known as search engine optimization and search engine marketing.
You must be willing to learn the art and craft of search engine marketing if you are going to try to make money online. This is why that over 95% of people involved in internet marketing are not being successful. They have simply not taken the time to learn how to achieve traffic to their website. The way that the internet works is this. You have to be very focusued in your presentations on the internet. You must purchase a keyword specific domain. That domain name will be your life's blood online. You simply cannot market an affiliate link on the search engines adequately. I do not care how you do it, unless you spend an incredible amount of money using Google ad words. Google ad words are fine if your budget is not limiited, but be aware, your competition is going to be clicking on your ads to drive your prices up. I see this every day. Its just the nature of the game on Google.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
My chosen field of search engine optimization is a consistent link building process. First, I choose a keyword specific domain. I then build a search engine compatible website with that domain. I then build links using press releases, blogs, forums posts and other strategies that will produce adequate backlinks to push your url to a top keyword category. The whole process of search engine optmization is time consuming. Therefore, when you choose me to become your seo expert, you are going to be paying me for my knowledge, time and expertise in this field.
I will let you know right now, search engine optimization is not a quick fix for your website. If you don't have the money to proceed, I suggest rethinking your stance on marketing online. There are no instant money programs that you can join. There are no software programs that you can buy that will get you search engine rankings. There are no shortcuts on the net like most of the websites that sell this crap tell you there are. When you see these programs on Google, remember. Most poeple are trying to take your money. You can save yourself enough money to hire me, an seo expert, to become your best chance of success online. You have probably already spent more than enough money with these programs to attest to that.
Time Tested Google Tools are the Only Strategies I Use
When you are marketing goods and services online, you need to appeal to the search engine spiders of Google. In other words, an seo expert like myself must be constantly aware of using the right strategies that work. I rely heavily on the Google Webmaster Tools for my information. In other words, I play strictly by Google's rules. This is important for me as I have built a very reputable and substantial seo business by playing the game just this way. I will never use any black hat techniques in my quest for seo expert status. I am only here to do quality work, consistent work, and work that will pay off for my seo clients. You need to consider the seo company that you are thinking about doing business with. You need to ask them questions about their techniques. If they are legitimate, they will have no problem telling you exactly what you are paying for. If they say that their techniques are secrets, move on down to someone who is legitimate for your seo work.
How Long Does it Take to See Results?
This is a question that I get asked often. In all reality, the successful seo campaign should be an ongoing process for at least six months. I know what you must be thinking here. You had not a clue. You probably had a misconception that there is a magic button to obtaining top positions on Google. Well, my friend, you would definitely be wrong with that assumption. There are no quick paths that I can take as being your seo expert. There are only proven marketing systems and stretegies that I use to obtain those cherished positions.
How Much Does SEO Work Cost?
Another question that I get asked very often. My search engine optimization work entails a process. I must first do specific keyword research about your opportunity to determine where the best high traffic keyword phrase is. This is a time consuming process and I charge a flat rate fee for this. I charege this amount simply because you are paying me for me seo expert advice. I do not give away my talent for nothing. You may click on my pricing page HERE for more information. Each seo campaign I conduct takes considerable time and effort to pursue. If you want quality seo work from proven seo expert like me, you will have to pay for that service. I am not extravagantly expensive and all my work is guaranteed.
Are You Ready to Make the Commitment?
I am here to ask you a very specific question. Are you ready to get started on a path to success online? I am here to answer your questions, but I am not here to waste my valuable time. I am only interested in talking with people that have a real interest and are willing to commit to me for that seo expertise. If you need more information, you are welcome to call me Monday Through Friday 9 AM-5PM Central Standard Time. I am here to assist you when you are ready to begin an incredible online experience. Always remember, your mindset is the difference in your success. I like to view expert seo work as visualization marketing at its finest.